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Checks if a given float or integer value is within a specified range.

Possible Arguments:

Argument Description Type Default
value The value to be checked. float or int
min_value The minimum value of the range. float or int
max_value The maximum value of the range. float or int


A boolean value indicating whether the value is within the specified range (min_value to max_value). Returns True if the value is within the range, and False otherwise.


from einfach import is_float_in_range

result = is_float_in_range(value=3.5, min_value=2.0, max_value=5.0)
# Returns True, as 3.5 is within the range of 2.0 and 5.0.

result = is_float_in_range(value=7.2, min_value=1, max_value=6)
# Returns False, as 7.2 is not within the range of 1 and 6.

result = is_float_in_range(value=10, min_value=5, max_value=15)
# Returns True, as 10 is within the range of 5 and 15.